Get Traffic

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So you already have your store and it's time to get quality traffic to boost your sales. After all, we are here to make money. The reason we started with Facebook ads is because social media is where most people spend most of their time. Not only can you target all demographics, but you can also target page likes, engagement, and many other features. Therefore, this is one of the best tools to sell products and target your ideal audience.

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Setting up your Facebook Ads Manager

Before we get into the ads strategy, you need to open a Business Manager account, create an ads account, and set up your Facebook pixel. If you're not sure how to do this, check out the links below for direct instructions straight from the source, Facebook.

Getting started with Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Terminology

Since you're new to Facebook ads, you'll hear a lot of abbreviations and jargon that may sound like an alien language. So, here we are going to break down some of the most important terms you need to know for Facebook ads.

  • WC (Website Conversions)
  • ROAS (Return on Advertising Investment)
  • VC (Viewed Content)
  • ATC (Add to Cart)
  • PUR (Purchase)
  • CA (Custom Audiences)

  • CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization)
  • CPC (Cost Per Click)
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)
  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • LLA (Similar Audience)

Campaign settings

You've now set up your account and are ready to start your first campaign. Before we begin, let's take a quick look at the structure of campaigns.

First, you start with the campaign, where you choose your objective. Second, you have the ad set level, where you select targeting, budget, placements, and more. Third, you have the ad level, which is the actual creative that will show for that specific ad set.

OK, there are millions of ways to set up campaigns, but let's go over the settings that are the most successful and that everyone should use as a beginner. But before we tell you why we use this setup, let's dive into why it works so well.

The 5 Powers

Recently, Facebook conducted a study on Facebook ads that found a specific set of criteria that work best overall for any type of ad. The setup we are talking about is the Power 5. The Power 5 includes dynamic ads, automatic placements, CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization), automatic advanced matching, and account simplification. These are 5 settings that you can take advantage of when creating your campaign and we always recommend using these settings.

So what do these 5 things mean? Let's start reading.

CBO stands for Campaign Budget Optimization. Basically, CBO is a system implemented by Facebook where ad spend is automatically distributed across all ad sets in an attempt to get the best results for the advertiser.

The illustration below shows you the difference between using a CBO campaign and a normal one. Essentially, instead of managing how much to spend on each ad set, CBO will automatically spend your budget on those ad sets it believes will give you the greatest return.

So why use CBO?

CBO is an excellent tool to help you properly manage your ad spend. Let's say you have $5 running on 3 ad sets without CBO enabled. Regardless of which ad performs best, everyone will spend $5 each. But with CBO enabled, Facebook will spend the most money on the ad that performs best, so you get a bigger return on your investment.

The First Campaign

Now is the time to start creating our campaign

Since our pixel has no data, we need to start with the traffic campaign. Any guru who tells you to jump right into conversion campaigns is lying to you. Facebook has no idea who will buy your product because you have absolutely no data in your pixel.

With a traffic campaign, we will send as many people as possible to your website in the hopes of getting as many actions and clicks of any kind as possible.

We need this for two reasons. First, Facebook needs data about the type of people interested in your products, and second, we'll use the people who interact with your store to create an audience for retargeting. We recommend creating 3 to 5 ad sets, each targeting a different interest.

The strategy

  1. Campaign Objective - Traffic.

  2. 2 to 5 Ad Sets – Targeted at LPV (Landing Page Views). Each ad set with 1 interest.

  3. Daily Budget of $10-15 for the entire campaign

The mission here is to collect data and also get sales. You will get sales with this campaign. Unless you are selling a very expensive product, this will almost always be your first campaign.

Competitor Ad Research

Before we dive deeper into Facebook Ads, I want to share with you some ways to come up with great ads and campaigns without having to start from scratch. Think about it, other companies, including your competitors, have been making ads for years. Why not just do what they are doing, but better?

Below are some free and paid tools that I recommend using to research your competition.


Facebook Ads Library – Shows literally all the ads currently on Facebook at any given time. One of the best resources to research your competitors.


AdSpy: This paid tool is not cheap, but it covers more than 22 million ads and more than 150 countries. It is not limited to just Facebook, it covers all platforms. If you can afford it, it is a must-have tool.

Find your Audience


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You've now set up your account and are ready to start your first campaign. Before we begin, let's quickly review the structure of campaigns.

So who is your audience?

Many people overthink this and end up spending too much time trying to figure out who will buy their product. We recommend keeping it simple. Data has shown that people under 20 are less likely to purchase, so we recommend ages 20 and up. The maximum age really depends on many factors, but we don't think you should look into it too much. So we recommend 20 to 55 years old.

As for interests, Facebook has a lot of information, so this part is easy.

Using the Audience Insights tool found in Facebook Business Manager, you can enter any demographics and do some research to find interests that people who use your competitors' products tend to have. Use this tool to find the interests to test in your ad sets.

Your Advertising Creativities

Okay, now we're at the creative level. The creative elements are a combination of video, images and advertising text. When starting your first campaign, we recommend having at least 1 good video and 2-3 image creative elements.

To create your ads, you have 2 options.

Option 1: You can create the ads yourself using Canva or another similar application.

Option 2: Hire a freelancer to do it for you.

We recommend hiring someone from Fiverr to create your ads. You can get great ads for $10 or even less. There is no reason not to invest the money. It's literally the price of a fast meal. This is your business, every dollar is an investment.

➽ PROTIP: Make sure you use an attractive thumbnail for your videos that captures their attention so they can stop scrolling and clicking. Try to use headlines that stand out from the rest of the image.

➽ PROTIP: Unless you already have video making skills, we recommend hiring someone from Fiverr. Your video should be 30 to 60 seconds long and we recommend adding subtitles over the video explaining the benefits and why they should buy it.

I present to you some templates that we recommend for headlines:

  • Now You Can Have [something desirable] in [great circumstance]
  • [Do something] like [world class example]
  • Have [or] Build a [blank] You Can Be Proud of
  • What Everyone Should Know About [blank]
  • How to [Do Something] in [Short Duration]
  • [Number] Lessons from [Topic] I Learned [Specific Result] in the Past [Length of Time]
  • Who Else Wants [blank]?
  • The Secret of [blank]
  • Here Is A Method That Is Helping [blank] to [blank]
  • Little-Known Forms of [blank]
  • Say goodbye to [problem] Once and for All
  • Here's a Quick Way to [solve a problem]

Remember that you want to offer a benefit and value by explaining why they should get your product. Always make sure to include a call to action. What's the point of showing an ad if there's nothing to click on or a website to visit? You must give them instructions telling them to click here, buy now, or some other instruction to take action.

Scale Methods

Introduction to Scaling

So, you've created a campaign and you have ads that are driving traffic. You've found some winning ad sets and now you need to scale. You may be thinking that to scale you just need to increase spend on winning ad sets to increase your conversions. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that easily. Because? Let's dig deeper.

For example, let's say you've been running an ad set for $5 and after a few days you start getting sales. During this time, Facebook was optimizing the ad for results using only $5, and the data was not optimized for a higher budget with that specific targeting. So if you suddenly increase the budget on that specific ad set, you will unbalance the optimization and ruin your ad set during its learning phase.

To scale successfully, you must gradually increase the budget in a specific way. Not only that, but you should only think about scaling once you've gotten 50 conversions from a specific event over a one-week period.

Vertical Scaling

The first scaling method we will cover is vertical scaling. With this method, you simply increase your budget on the winning ad set that is generating results. Before increasing your budget, you should make sure you wait long enough to collect data. We recommend waiting 3-4 days before increasing your ad spend. If you increase your ad spend too quickly, you risk pushing your ad set into a new learning phase, where you'll have to re-optimize the data again.

➽ PROTIP: For vertical scaling, increase your ad sets budget by 10-20%, no sooner than every 3-4 days.

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling is basically what it sounds like, you are widening your casting network to scale. This method essentially works by increasing the number of ad sets within a campaign. There are two ways to scale horizontally.

  1. Duplicate ad sets but add a similar interest in hopes of finding similar audiences.

  2. Duplicate and maintain the original ad set with the exact same budget and interests.

With the second method, you are basically doubling your spending without having to increase the actual budget. This way, you double the spend but keep the original ad the same.

Scaling with CBO

We have scaling with CBO. Although CBO sounds like it's easy and you just need to increase your ad spend, it's a little more complicated than that.

The easiest way to scale with CBO is to collect your best interests, duplicate them into a new CBO campaign with a higher budget, and run them. Let this campaign run for 3-5 days and gradually scale in 10-20% increments.

Now, before scaling with this method, you need to understand your data. Take note of two metrics during scaling: ROAS and CPA or CPP. As you scale your ads, be sure to pay attention to these 2 factors, because if you don't, you won't know how much your profit will really be. This way, you'll know which ones you need to scale and which ones are inactive.

➽ PROTIP: Your ROAS should not decrease as you scale with any form of scaling. If it does, you're simply spending more and getting less in return.

Audience and Retargeting

Custom audiences

Let's focus on our audiences to understand how to best address them. The better we know our buyers, the easier it will be to sell to them at any point in the marketing funnel. The Facebook pixel collects a large amount of data, including the actions visitors take in your store, such as purchases, added to cart, products viewed, and more. This is very important because we can retarget these people by creating Custom Audiences. The right audience can make or break your campaign. Custom audiences are those who have taken a specific action or interacted with your content or website in a certain way.

I show you some examples of custom audiences you can create for retargeting.

  • People who have Added to Cart (ATC)
  • People who have seen 75% of your video.
  • People who have started the payment process.
  • Top 25 Visitors to your Website.
  • People who have bought your product.

➽ PROTIP: Custom Audiences are for audiences that you want to specifically target and that have already interacted with your page/brand/site.

➽ PROTIP: Lookalike Audiences are audiences that look like similar audiences. You use LLA when you want to reach NEW similar audiences.

Similar hearings (LLA)

Lookalike Audiences (LLA) are a type of audience you can create that is similar to a specific type of audience you define. Let's say we want to create a lookalike audience based on 100 people who added products to cart. Once we have around 100 people who have added a product to their cart, we can create a Lookalike Audience using ATC. This way, this specific audience is more likely to add a product to their cart.

Custom Audiences ➜ Lookalike Audience

Lookalike Audiences have very similar demographics, interests, and perform similar actions to the same people you choose based on the selected event. Basically, that audience will be much more likely to add products to cart than any other general audience. Facebook allows you to create a lookalike audience that is similar to 1% to 10% of your original ad set's audience. The lower the percentage, the closer they will be to your original audience.

➽ PROTIP: Ranges of 1 to 3 percent are good when creating Lookalike Audiences (LLA).

➽ PROTIP: When scaling, use lookalike audiences with the same interests as the original ad set for the best conversion results.

Retargeting (middle and end of the sales funnel)

Retargeting is essential to converting most sales. In retargeting, you are basically creating custom audiences and showing them more ads so that they buy your product or service. Remember that most of the time, people don't buy on the first try, so if you don't retarget them, you won't remind them to come back. THIS IS CRUCIAL.

➽ PROTIP: You can offer discounts to retargeting audiences or other extras as incentives to buy your product.

➽ PROTIP: Don't just retarget audiences that interact with your content in any way. Focus on audiences who have taken impactful actions.

Facebook ADS Cheat Sheet

  • The Big 5: Always (CBO, Dynamic Creatives, Automatic Placements, Simplified Ad Account (1 campaign with multiple ad sets vs. multiple campaigns)

  • Campaign: Start with a Traffic Campaign to Get Landing Page Views. After you get 50 sales, create a second campaign for Conversions.

  • Scale Methods:

    a) Duplicate ads and change the interest to a very similar one.
    b) Duplicate ad sets many times (keeping the budget the same to maintain the same data).
    c) Increase the budget, generally you need to let the learning phase pass for 4 days or more.

  • Retargeting:

    a) Retarget valuable stocks: ATC, VC, PUR, 75% View, etc.
    b) Offer discounts or incentives on retargeting ads to obtain better conversions.

  • Audiences: Create your custom audiences before starting your campaign to have them already configured. ATC, VC, PUR, etc. They should already be created.

  • Interests: Don't mix interests at first. Always use 1 interest per ad set!

  • Creatives: Use at least 1 video and 2-3 image creatives in each campaign. **** Use dynamic creatives (Facebook will mix them up and show the ones that work best). Hire a Fiverr freelancer for cheap and get quality work.

The growth is exponential


The hardest part is waiting for the first sale. Don't be easily discouraged if it takes a week to get a sale. Remember, unless you have a Facebook Pixel that you've run many ads on, you're technically starting from scratch. Don't turn off your ads because you don't see immediate results. You will probably have to spend money for a week or two before you start making money. This time is crucial; If you can overcome it, it is very likely that you will be able to grow your business.

My name is Chris Uzcategui and I am here to share my passion and knowledge with anyone looking to start their online business from scratch.

I have been working in the world of E-commerce for more than 9 years and I am proud to say that I have achieved more than 90,000 annual sales with Shopify, Amazon and Etsy.

My experience spans a wide variety of strategies, from print-on-demand and dropshipping to creating digital products.

My goal is to share my knowledge and experience with everyone. Whether you're just starting out or you're already established, I'm here to help you grow your business.

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